As Imperial Pest Prevention, we are proud to be a leading provider of Wood-Destroying Organism (WDO) inspection services. Our expertise in this area is a cornerstone of our commitment to helping homeowners and businesses protect their properties from the potential damage caused by wood-destroying pests. We proudly offer our WDO inspection service to Volusia County, Flagler County, Orange County, Seminole County, and Brevard Counties of Florida.
A WDO, or termite, real estate inspection is a Wood Destroying Organism Inspection. This inspection is also known by other names, such as a Real-estate inspection, clear-to-close inspection, or just a termite inspection. A WDO inspection is typically required by a financial institution when a potential home buyer looks to take out a mortgage on a home they may buy. A current homeowner may want to refinance their home to get a better interest rate. I have also seen many times that existing homeowners have a WDO
WDO檢查或白蟻不動產檢查是木材破壞生物檢查。這種檢查也被稱為其他名稱,例如房地產檢查,封閉檢查或白蟻檢查。當潛在的購房者希望對他們可能購買的房屋抵押時,金融機構通常需要進行WDO檢查。有時,當前的房主可能想為他們當前居住的房屋再融資,以獲得更高的利率。我還看到很多時候,當前的房主都接受了WDO檢查,他們可能希望了解他們的房屋可能會破壞木材,然後再將其在市場上出售,好奇心或例行檢查,以記錄房屋維護記錄對貸方的檢查目的是確保房屋中沒有大量破壞木材的生物和/或損壞。它使他們能夠在需要時進行治療,或者有機會在投資抵押財產之前進行維修。為了潛在的購買者, WDO檢查可作為一種工具,以查看持證檢查員可以“看到”木材毀滅性生物的程度。有關“ 什麼是WDO檢查? ”的深入說明,請閱讀我們專門討論該主題的博客文章。